Starting off the year can seem like a lot...
Maybe it’s been just another day, another week, or the start of a month and nothing that special? Or you haven’t even got the bandwidth to take a moment to stop and reflect on what you want to create?
Having had a brew and a ponder here are a few creative ways I have found to help reduce the likelihood of burnout as there is always a lot going on…
Creating breaks - even the shortest of breaks away from the screen, a task, or a conversation helps to re-shift your focus, mood & ability to engage. It’s so important to give yourself permission to take breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge.
Create a few moments for yourself: in your day what activities can help you relax and take care of your physical and emotional well-being? Can you make the clean-up more fun by pumping out your favorite tunes, using a relaxation track whilst you are getting ready for bed, and/or rediscovering that hobby you used to love - dive into some YouTube videos about it if time is limited?
Consider resetting or creating boundaries: Learn to say no to additional commitments, if possible. Ask yourself if it is possible to set limits on how much work you take on, then share with those who need to know what you can and cannot do.
Get creative with your rest: it’s easy enough to read about the ‘ideal’ amount of sleep but this doesn’t take into account your needs and situation. It is possible to look at the quality of your sleep or can you grab a power nap during the day? 20-30 minutes?
Seek support: Talk to a friend, family member, or therapist about how you are feeling. It can be helpful to have someone to confide in and to get perspective on your situation.