Celebrate Your Decade - a creative coaching digital workbook


Celebrate Your Decade - a creative coaching digital workbook


Celebrate Your Decade 2010 - 2019

is a creative coaching digital workbook designed by Anna B. Sexton as a way to process her last decade in a way that’s creative, thoughtful and self-led.

Using a mixture of creative coaching open questions & some creative making or playful exercises we hope you will feel fired up to dig into all the gold you have created for yourself in the last 10 years.

We know, where did the time go right?

You can capitalise on any event that stands out for you whether it’s a gold star moment or a season of your strength being tested to the limit.

Once you have downloaded this you can take it at your own pace… go with your flow. Maybe all at once or in chunks in the coming days when you have slices of time between all you make happen in your life.

And share with us what you learn as we live for hearing about your wins from such gold digging

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Use #celebrateyourdecade #beopentocreate #creativecoaching

Or email anna@opentocreate.com to share your stories, any feedback for us

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